Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sex Education in the Schools

The Governor just vetoed the Sex Education bill that passed during our legislative session. The bill required schools to teach abstinence only. However; right now, Utah has an "opt in" policy that means parents have to CHOOSE to allow their children to participate in the sex education in the schools.  They are still pretty strict in what they can teach, this bill just took the limitations one step further.

First, the supporters of the bill provided a pretty good argument that sex education should be taught by the parents and that students who learned abstinence only (according to their studies) tended to delay sex for longer.

The opponents of the bill suggested that the children should be armed with all the information they can get in order to NOT get STD's or get pregnant.

Where do you stand on this? Are you glad the governor vetoed the bill? Do you wish he hadn't?  What do you know about sex education and premarital sex?

I'd LOVE to hear from you!@


  1. Good Morning, Susan. Joan from Moab here, checking in on the "Abstinence Only" bill. I see good on both sides of this...I agree that sex education should be taught by parents, but I also believe that in today's fast paced world that children need all the information they can get to avoid std's and pregnancy. Here in Moab we are doing our best to make sure that the kids have the knowledge they need. Granted, it's not taught in school, but the extra-curricular forum seems to be working. The "opt in" policy sounds like a good idea until you realize that so many people (parents) have issues with their own sexuality and that by choosing to not allow sex education in school that they are, essentially, promoting yet another dysfunctional generation in regards to sexuality. I personally think that sex ed should be taught IN school and OUT. If Utah chooses to not allow sex education in school, then every effort should be made to make the information available through other arenas.

  2. tell me more about your extra-curricular forum?\
