Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Proposition 8 ruled unconstitutional

We just heard over the news that Caliornia's supreme court has ruled that the popular vote to pass California's Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. This brings up an interesting question. We are NOT a democracy. We are a representative government. A democracy requires rules by popular vote. However, we are also bound by the constitution.

If, the people vote on something like Gay marriage, then the courts over-rule it...which is considered more valid. The courts or the people's views?


  1. Unfortunately the Courts will rule, but shouldn't... Anyone remember Gettysburg???
    ............and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

  2. Why not? It's a constitutional battle...wouldn't those who know the constitution be better to judge on that issue?

  3. I like the protections of the constitution. It keeps the tyranny of the majority in check. I am grateful for the separation of church and state and though I may not be completely on-board, I understand the right to bear arms.

  4. What do you mean "keeps the tyranny of the majority in check? Aren't we a democracy?
