Sunday, December 11, 2011


Now that we have lots of discussions between candidates and a new presidential election coming up, it's time to start the blog going again.

I just read that Mitt Romney offered Rick Perry and $10,000 bet during the last debate. The problem with this is NOT the amount of the bet, but the focus on class warfare. Romney has money. Others do not. Should we demonize those who have money? Are they all bad? Why is that the issue rather than the candidate's values on health care? Family values?

I have to confess, I am not for class warfare; however, I do agree that there are institutional problems with how money is managed. Those with money are able to get away with more than those who do not. For example, I know of a realtor who was able to take mortgage payments from a couple who bought a house from him. He was obligated to apply that mortgage payment to their home loan; however, he took the money and put it toward his over-extended lifestyle. The result was the couple lost their home to foreclosure. There were no repercussions for his theft. He is still in business.

This is an injustice that we should be paying attention to. White collar crime goes unpunished most of the time because we either don't pay attention or don't understand how it affects us until it's too late. This is the important aspect of the debate, NOT whether Mitt Romney has lots of money or that corporations pay their CEO's a bonus. If they are employing people and the wage is competitive...what's wrong with that?

Bottom line, I challenge everyone to focus on the real MEAT of the debate and not on superficial issues. We are not a democracy. We are a republic. What does that mean for our choice of candidate?

Best! I look forward to a great semester!

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