Saturday, January 7, 2012

Conservative vs. Liberal?

I was listening to NPR today and they had several people, including the president of the Ayn Rand association talking with each other about the definition of "Conservative." It caused me to think that we should define these assumptions for class. Rather than me providing the definition, I am curious about what you think? What is a "liberal" in US? What is a "conservative" in the US?  Have any of you lived in another country where the definition of Liberal or Conservative is the same or different?

I would like to see if we can come to a consensus on this. Is it possible?


  1. The difference between conservatives and liberals in a political sense is; Conservatives believe that people are all created equally. They each have the opportunity to become the best,"whatever" that they wish! The role of the government is to get out of their way and not to put undue obstacles such as, excessive taxation, regulations, and social justice laws! They do not put people into groups on the basis of race, socio-economic or income classes, or most importantly voting blocks!

    Liberals believe that people are all somehow handicapped or stupid,and therefor are in need of constant assistance from the powerful government to somehow, even the playing field, or take care of them so they can succeed! All of this is based on how it "feels" or how it "sounds" (particularly to voters) but never based on results! Everyone would agree that the statement, "to each according to their needs, and from each according to their ability to pay!" It sounds like the united order! The problem, (just as in the united order) is that people are involved! With our human nature, it always becomes corrupt and has time and time again ended in tyranny and mass murder and genocide!

  2. I'm simple minded when it comes to politics not because I think politics are simple but because politics drive me crazy! Politicians make things way more complicated than they need to be. So my answer is simple.... When I think of a Liberal I think of a person or group of people that tend to take everything to the extreme or next level. Equal rights is a great example - Equal Rights are needed and very important. However Liberals have taken "equal rights" and exploited it to the extreme. ie...At my sons High School they have Chess club, Debate club...etc Well the homosexual students want a club for them...Why? But we have to allow this or otherwise We heterosexual people are discriminating against the non heterosexuals. Another example of Equal Rights (which is a good thing) being taken to the next level is; An older white male gets fired for low performance. Case closed. However if a black single female gets fired its discrimination. Liberals want things "fair" for minorities. On the other hand I think Conservatives want things to be "equal". Liberals are big Government . Conservatives want to make their own choices.

  3. I think it's interesting and quite ridiculous that politicians and voters try to label themselves as either liberal or conservative. There doesn't really seem to be much room for anything in between. Lately it seems that almost every politician is referred to as either a "Right-winged conservative" or a "far left liberal". I myself feel more like a middle of the road voter who looks at individual issues rather than what a certain conservative or liberal party may tell me is right.
