Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We are getting down to the last two weeks of the seminar. I am working on booking our reservations for our guest speaker. Once we are sure she is ready, I'll announce her name and provide information about her. I am very excited that she is willing to come talk with our legislature about Family Courts!

I am also currently seeking volunteers for the seminar. It would be great if any of my current or former family policy students would like to attend. Or, if you are just interested in the legislative process, this would be a great opportunity to see how things work! I need to create a list of volunteers and get your name on the list for lunch.

Please send me your email information if you are interested. The seminar is held from 12:00 to 2:00 in the Auditorium at the state capitol building. If you could be there at about 10:00 for a brief training and assignments for the seminar, that would be great!

my email address is:

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